Angel Healing® Level 1 // 24th of Feb, 2024 // student practitioner course

from €80.00

“Angel Healing® is for those ready to RISE in all areas of their life!”

The course welcomes all – whether you wish to accelerate your spiritual growth or set up a professional practice and offer angelic treatments. No previous energy-healing experience is required. Know that when you enroll into Angel Healing®, you are joining a global family of beautiful souls who share a brighter vision for New Earth, and are committed to creating this reality.

By joining the Level 1 student practitioner course, you’ll discover:

  • Who Angels are, their specific roles, and how to sense, communicate, and connect with them.

  • Who your Guardian Angels are and meet the 17 Archangels and 17 Archeiai of Angel Healing®.

  • What the Source Rays (and alchemical fires) are.

  • How angelic energy manifests and moves.

  • The process to follow for Angel Healing® self-healing and how to give in-person and remote Angel Healing® sessions.

  • With lots of love, fun and breakthrough moments as we gather for this highly uplifting and empowering day!

And receive

  • Receive 34 Angelic Energy Attunements to become One with the angels.

  • An energetic attunement to the Source Rays.

  • A guided self-healing session with your Guardian Angels and Archangel Raphael.

  • Enjoy a full Angel Healing® treatment (using specific hand positions and Source affirmations) – connecting with a partner in the group.

  • Tools to letting go of self-limiting patterns, fears and beliefs.

  • A daily spiritual practice to connect with your Angelic Presence to positively transform your life, plus, “homeplay exercises” with the angels, including meditations and setting up an angel altar to deepen your connection.

  • Access to the private global student and practitioner group to exchange ideas, support each other and receive the latest course updates.

  • Entry into Level 2 Angel Healing® – professional practitioner degree.


24th of February 2024

Mynd Therapy Centre, 5 Albert Walk, Bray, Co. Wicklow, A98 HP71


Non-refundable deposit: €80



What is Angel Healing®?

Angel Healing® is a certified hands-on healing modality and spiritual enlightenment program that supports you to know and live your divine potential. It is high vibrational and loving in its way to awaken and strengthen your connection to the angels, while bringing you closer to your own angelic presence. Angel Healing® is the only registered form of angel therapy in the UK, and is growing worldwide with certified teachers now in the UK and USA. It is the only angelic system that brings in, and attunes you directly to both the Archangels and the Archeiai (female Archangels) to support your life path and spiritual ascension.

Angel Healing® continually evolves to mirror the leaps and bounds we are making in consciousness, and is delivered in a light-hearted and down-to-earth way. Taught over 2 practitioner levels to connect you steadily to your angelic presence, your guardian angels, and 34 Archangels and Archeiai.

What is involved in Angel Healing® treatment?

Each treatment of Angel Healing® is as sacred as it is profound with sessions catered to the meet the intentions of the recipient. In each treatment, a trained practitioner connects to the angelic presence and guardian angels of the recipient, and along with their own angelic guides brings in angelic healing energies to where is best needed, be that on a physical or non-physical level. The practitioner partners closely with the male and female Archangels through specific techniques taught during the course. An Angel Healing® treatment may also include the use of angelic symbols of consciousness, card readings, intuitive channelling, and angelic sound healing to best cater for the recipients’ intentions.

Is Angel Healing® different to Reiki?

Yes, it is different to Reiki. Angel Healing® draws from the celestial realms of Heaven, while Reiki draws from universal energy. You could say that Reiki is more a grounding vibration while Angel Healing® is finer and more connective. Both modalities derive from Source, yet their vibrations help us to regain balance and harmony in different ways.

Is Angel Healing® different from other angelic systems?

Yes, Angel Healing® is a unique modality that was created in 2009 to evolve the existing knowledge of the angelic realms, and to keep doing so as humanity expands their consciousness. Unlike other angel programs that focus mainly on the Archangels, Angel Healing® brings in a host of angelic beings, including the Archeiai (the Divine Feminine Archangels) that mirror ALL facets of our human life experience. The Archeiai are coming to Earth more and more in response to the shift into 5D living and being. (You can learn more about them in their book, The Female Archangels: Evolutionary Teachings to Heal and Empower Your Life.)

Angel Healing® aims to dispel fear, judgement, self-limitation and, religious conditionings that have often placed angels outside of reach. The course levels build on each other, supporting you to bring the angels into your daily life, to appreciate yourself as equal to them and in time, merging with their virtues to reclaim your angelic heritage.

What are the benefits of an Angel Healing® treatment?

Angels, like our Spirit guides, know that humankind never needs ‘healing’ as they appreciate we are perfect Divine beings; yet they understand that living a physical life with free will can bring challenges and conditionings that separate us from our divinity, building up resistance and dis-ease in our being. And it is this conditioning that the angels help us to liberate when we are ready. In this way, receiving Angel Healing® can unblock whatever feels stuck in your life, whether that is within your relationships, finances, career, physical health, or provide greater health, wellbeing and freedom of being in the doing so. Above all, the recipient always receives a treatment as directed by their own intentions.

What are the benefits from studying the Angel Healing® course?

When you invite angels into your reality, your life changes! And when you decide to work with them intimately, you become angelic. This is the highest gift that the angels can bestow to humanity for they hold up a mirror for you to realise and merge with our highest potential. And for many who have studied Angel Healing®, their life has changed in every area, while for others, the shifts are more subtle, but all-ways for their greatest joy. The angels guide us through our heart where all can be, and is, POSSIBLE!

Courtesy of the description and coprights by © Calista Ascension

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